69ING WIFE-Dirty Whore Of A Slut Wants Fucking

Duration: 14:04
Views: 6.0K
Submitted: 11 years ago
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what do you mean white bitches endure what? how about petite asian sluts like me and my fiippina friends,our pussy is usuall half the size of a white whore! but believe me,we love those big black,hard,shiny
fuck poles spread our small ass cheeks and tight cunt just short of splitting in two! its a feeling like I can’t discribe,being impaled with cock sometimes thicker then our tighs, its painfull but so sexuall satisfying,its not that we don’t like fuck our white husbands,we do,but none off them come even close to give you that raw,hardcore primal FUCK! not making love,no sir! just fucking,torn apart,cunt and ass stretched and even slightly ript,but so realizing that you know you are a WOMAN fucked without mercy,used and abused by a MAN,A BULL who know how a real woman wants and needs to be fucked everytime she is in heat.